Episode #28:  Step Into Your Personal Power with Robin Darrow

In this week's episode, Robin Darrow shares her inspiring journey of healing and accepting her body. She talks about how to challenge diet culture and fat phobia and how to find a more intuitive approach to nourishment and health.

This episode may seem like a departure from what we normally talk about but it's really not. Our relationship with our body and mind affects how we show up for ourselves, our clients, our relationships and the world.

This episode is for you if you...

  • Are struggling with accepting your body and who you are now.
  • Want to understand how to challenge the structures, expectations and mindsets that constrain your beauty and power.
  • Need an example of what's possible when you decide to step into your power and revolutionize your self-concept.

Tune in and discover how revolutionizing your relationship with your body can positively impact every part of your life.


What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to challenge diet culture and fat phobic thinking
  • Why you should never comment on another person's body
  • How to learn to love yourself
  • What loving your body can look like
  • What it means to care for yourself on an intuitive level
  • How to know when you are at a healthy weight

About Robin Darrow:

Robin Darrow is a mental health therapist and a registered yoga teacher who lives with her husband in Montpelier, Vermont. Robin struggled with lyme disease, disordered eating and mental health in her early twenties which lead her to her career helping others with mental health and self care skills. Robin aims to help young women learn about themselves and what makes them feel good and disregard what society tells them they should be doing. Robin helps women challenge diet culture and fat-phobic thinking and helps them learn to love themselves and their bodies and find a more intuitive approach to nourishment and health.

Follow Robin on Instagram

Listen to the Full Episode Here:

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